30 January 2010

Ich bin allein

So today, I have officially received news. I'm going to Europe alone.






I don't have a problem with that, just a bit of an insecurity... That is also a problem, no?

Well, my best friend from New Jersey told me this sad news today. I'm definitely not disclosing more about that, just that I hope all goes well for her. So her guy friend isn't going, she isn't going, I will be going . . . alone. I have to pluck up a lot of courage for this, don't I?

I told my mom approximately an hour after. What did she say? "See? (I don't know what that was for, honestly) That's why papa worries about letting you go." My dad always jokes about me not going to Europe at all. I used to dislike that and he's stopped it . . . pretty much.

I've since done a lot of research on visiting Europe alone. I'm nervous, yes. Afraid, yes. Excited, YES! I'm not stopping. This is only going to make me work harder, become braver, and get more adventurous.

Now I'm alone, I've suddenly decided on going to visit Eastern Europe more since the last time, I had to consider two others (and decided to visit more common countries). Added to my list are more places in the Czech Republic, Romania and Hungary. Also, I'll want to visit Poland, Bulgaria, and Croatia! I'd also extend my stays in France to delve deeper into it than just Paris and Bordeaux. I'm already exploring Germany for at least two weeks in early December so... I'm so excited!

Another place I'd most likely be adding is Ireland. I am very keen on visiting Dublin, Cork, and Kilkenny. If I have time, I could see Killarney and Galway. Ireland, as I've researched, is beyond my wildest dreams. The countryside is just... The culture is just... The... I'm speechless as it is.

I've added Eastern Europe and Ireland. I want to spend less in the UK, of course, because it's really expensive. So is Scandinavia which I'm skipping out on entirely, unfortunately. Possibly from London, I'll fly to Czech Republic.

I'll make more plans!


  1. The UK is expensive, but Ireland is actually even more expensive unfortunately :( It's similar to Scandinavia as it's rather high up, example: a packet of cigarettes will cost you about 7 euro (in comparison to Spain, 3.20 and France 5 euro).

    Do not fret about going alone, it makes it that much more exciting and carefree - but do be sensible in regards to traveling alone, especially being a girl. There is still some political types of uneasiness in parts of Eastern Europe....
    I would recommend trying to meet people while you travel who are also planning to head to the destinations you want to head to (I'm sure you will find someone! or can at least convince someone, haha!~) so you're not traveling so much alone to Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia as I believe they are more worse for the wear, but the CzR and Hungary you will be fine :)

    Of course, you do not have to listen to my advice at all and I'm not trying to scare you, but just from personal experience those are the places I feel could be possibly dangerous for a young solo girl, haha. But I'm sure you will be fine! As long as you're confident ;D

    And remember that Eastern Europe is fantastic, but there is definitely a difference from Western Europe... things just sometimes seem to look a bit more menacing. Oh, and make sure you take the S-Bahn in Berlin through suburbs of East and West, an amazing and interesting change..

    Good luck with your plans!!

  2. I appreciate your suggestions, Dan :)
