15 October 2010

Vienna again!

We went to the Zentralfriedhof and the Wienerwald and Wienerweinweg! (tongue twister much?)

First it was the St Stephen's Cathedral, THE landmark of Vienna!

And this is the shopping district surrounding the church. It is SO BUSY and you can people watch there. It's pretty amazing. Obviously I HAD to do some shopping!

And now... Guess where I'm having a little picnic? :)

Guessed yet? There are a LOT of "people" there!

Any ideas? It's somewhere moms would TOTALLY push their babies for a good afternoon stroll...

It's a cemetery! It's the Zentralfriedhof where Mozart and Beethoven's tombstones among many others reside!

It took us a while to find Beethoven! :( But ALAS!




Do I look like a Canadian woodcutter to you? Hehehe.

We also "took" some grapes from the vineyards!

It was real good hike up the hills and I finally saw the Wienerwald. It was on my MUST do list! And now I must check it off! :)

After that we went to the cheapest Italian restaurant in Vienna aka Pizza Mafiosi! That pizza right there costed only 3.60 euros! We had to share it! And when we got back, I cut my fringe and I look pretty insane now but whatever. Slept at 7PM and woke at 1AM! I shall go back to sleep!

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