13 September 2010

Super noice! + pictures

Hello good friends and family! I know a lot of you have been waiting for my pictures and here are those from yesterday, my first day in the European region! I did not take any during my Singapore-Dubai flight because I was quite nervous and the men next to me were rather boring so I was even more bored. And I felt awkward because it was really squeezy and I could not take out my camera! However, in Dubai, I felt recharged. Slightly tired, but when I got into the Airbus to London-Heathrow, I was awake! It was a great flight.

(I was so pumped waiting to go in!)

(Airbus A380!)

(This is the mixed grill breakfast.)

(The European sky!)

(Enjoyed a snack of shredded chicken sub and chocolate chip muffin while watching How To Train A Dragon!)

(I believe this was somewhere over Western Germany!)

(This is me before landing; I tied my hair!)

When I arrived at the airport, I kept my cool (despite repeating over and over in my head, 'OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, LONDON. I AM IN ENGLAND~~~') and walked a long way to immigration counter. And it was a seriously long queue. No photos were allowed so I was a little chicken and did not manage a shot of the craziness. About 30 minutes later, I realized I did not have Auntie Lali's address and was doomed when I reached the officer. How was I to get through when my London Travel Card was incomplete?! Anyway, after being interrogated for a good five minutes or so, the lady told me she would let me go this time. *insert HUGE sigh of relief* And my speeding heart skipped beats and I thanked her and made my way ecstatically down the escalator to collect my hideously wrapped backpack! I even forgot I had to pee!

(Auntie Lali is an acquaintance of my mom's. Their mutual friend is a kind Auntie Abby! Thank you for your help, Abs! x)

The luggage trollies were really old at London-Heathrow (not sure if it's just terminal 3) so I had to endure 15 minutes of squeaking before I made it out and looked around for Auntie Lali. There were some Indians but I did not really recognize Auntie but I saw a familiar girl with a paper with my full name on! It was amazing! Hah! That happened to be Shauna and she was all spritely and stuff, very cool. She has a killer Windsorian accent. Super noice! Then we got to the car and met Uncle Shan and we drove back to the house near the Windsor Castle. EVEN MORE COOL!

There's too much to write but I'll leave it for now. I have more pictures from the farm shop and farm but I'll update another time because I have to finish up Auntie Lali's fried chicken. Ahhh. It's a wonderful 15 degrees here. And Shauna is going to be back soon and we shall head to an English pub! With love from England! x

P.S. I apologize for my lackluster and haggard appearance. Hey, I traveled back in time. Cut me some slack! ;)


  1. I'm the only one commenting here but w/e

    damn that mixed grill breakfast!!!!!!!!!! and they even gave you a snack D: I guess I haven't been on long flights so all I've had are normal meals >_>

    and the sky looks pretty much the same everywhere LOL


  2. Holy moley! I can't believe you're England...I mean I believe it but wow! The last two years of planning have finally came about. I'm so excited for you, and I hope you have an amazing time...although I know you will. The journey of lifetime is taking place, I think I'm a little jealous of you. j/k :) Can't wait to hear more of your amazing adventures!
    ~love Yin. xD
